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What is CLUE?

Get a CLUE – Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange

Do you have a CLUE? We all know about credit reports, but are you aware that you also have a CLUE insurance report?

CLUE is Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange – this is a claims history database that is generated by LexisNexis, and this database enables insurance companies to access your consumer claims information when your policies are being renewed or when you are applying for a new policy or submitting a claim.

The CLUE scoring system decides your risk profile – i.e., how likely are you to file a claim against your policy.

CLUE reports can also cover property loss claims made against automobile insurance policies as well as your homeowner insurance policy.

If your insurance company submits loss data to CLUE, then they have access to all information from the database. Most insurance companies use the claims history in the database as a factor in deciding if they want to insure your property and your premium amount is factored in on the claims history.

It is important to check your CLUE report and make sure the information is accurate, because correcting an error can bring you a cost savings. A copy of your CLUE report can be obtained under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and you can request a copy from LexisNexis at 1-866-312-8076 or If you discover an error on your CLUE report such as an invalid claim or an incorrect loss amount, you should report the problem. It would also be beneficial to work with your insurance representative.

Loss history, representing personally property claims history, is kept in the CLUE database for five to seven years. If you have not owned your home for seven years, you might want to review the CLUE report for previous claims from the prior homeowner. If you are considering buying a home, it would be good to check with the real estate agent and the home seller’s disclosure report for any claims on the home.

You should also determine if you really need to or want to file an auto- or homeowner- related claim. You might be better off paying for the damage out of pocket, especially if the dollar amount is low.

No matter what, it's important to find out how you are sized up through your insurance carrier.

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